Tuesday 26 November 2013

Fortune Dice

  To-clay I still remember what Jenny told me last week (she said to keep it secret but here's a clue: It was about my affective study!)

  Also, I did some clay (as always).  This week, I made a fortune dice.  You ask a question, and then you roll.  The things on my dice says stuff like keep dreaming, forget it, do it, roll again and other stuff like that.

  I can't wait for writing 201 (101 for me!)  I look at all the other stories and I think, if I entered the MADE awards I would have some competition.

Merry Christmas (soon!)                                            (Alexander the  

Tuesday 12 November 2013

I got revenge

To-clay I just finished my affective study.  It looks so awesome now and plus I've added heaps of these on-click transitions.  I played it a couple of times so I could see the wonder that is my keynote.

  I have joined Nicola's writing 201 group for the patterns workshop.  Even though I haven't been in it before she said she could have some newbies.  So I've joined.  The writing was my first choice and theirs a lot of girls.

Plus, I got revenge. (on my sister, but that's a secret!)  Bye!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Digital Citizenship

To-clay I did some pottery as always.  I made a gift to give my teacher for the end of the year.  I also made a cute love heart shaped bowl with an arrow in the heart lid.  I think I will use it for my earrings.

  I also learnt about digital citizenship.  On simple terms, it's internet safety.  I was with Nicola's group.  I found out that your fingerprint starts even before you are born.  Also that it continues even when your dead.  Your fingerprint starts and ends way before and after your lifetime.  It is not safe to over-share, or anything else that will give you a bad reputation.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Underglaze for my pots of clay!

Today I underglazed my pots.  Especially the rock.  Lots of people called it painting.  Even the ones doing clay!  In Term 3 people started realising that pottery was really cool.  So their getting Marie in to help next week.  A chance to get my pots kilned!!

Today I also did some more abstract art with Katie.  Today, we did masking tape art, which helps create a pattern of shapes and lines.  Here is a photo of me and my art:

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The jug kettle

To-clay I was back on the potters wheel.  I made a jug kettle. The handle was like a kettles but it kind of collapsed.  So Darryn fixed it.  He put part of an coloured ice-cream stick under it to keep it from collapsing.  The jug part of it was because it didn't have a lid.  Well, jugs do have lids but my terrific ones don't.  I absolutely cannot wait till art.  For affective study I'm doing Alexander the Great.  I've got heaps of information.  I'm going to transfer the information to Pages... Somehow.  Here is the coin with his FACE!!!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

A Cat

To-clay I made some more masterpieces.  A cat and a shark fin.  The cat was my favourite.  With Madison's bunny is in the competition, the bunny is an obvious winner.  I also made another rock and soon I'm going to see what one to underglaze.  Probably the second one.  Oh, and if you don't know, the inspiration I got for clay was from ancient Greece and Egypt.

Bye!  See you Term 4!!!

Tuesday 17 September 2013


To-clay I made some more clay pots.  Last week I made a rock.   It's not a great rock because the lid has a huge gap from the base.   So I made a lemon pot (just for lemons), a triangle thing and a         snail!  Granddad wants the rock for his keys to go in.  Soon I'm going to underglaze my pots!  Darryn said that Granddad should use it  as a slater trap.  So I'm going to make another rock.  I am completely determined to make the rock!!
  Sorry...  Got off task because Riley and Brianna are dancing on  the table to different music every five seconds.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Clay Class.

Today it was very funny.  Oh, have I told you that Samantha joined clay a couple of weeks ago?  Well I taught Samantha to underglaze for her second week at clay.  This week Madison wanted to do clay.  So it was like a clay class.  Me just helping slightly with their work.  My work didn't come up pleasantly.  The clay had thousands of air bubbles.  If there are air bubbles in your clay work then in the kiln your work will, well, EXPLODE!!!  Just a whole pile of clay left.  Have you had a clay class?

Tuesday 27 August 2013

DON'T glaze the bottom!

Hello.  Grace here!

I have just been to Katie's workshop - time.  Here is what I learnt:

  • A pico second is the shortest amount of time.
  • There are three types of time - past, present and future.
  • There are so many ways to measure time; water, the Sun and much, much more!

I also did potting.  Well, glazing.  Last week I finished under-glazing my pots.  This week, I'm full on glazing!  Here are the rules for glazing:
  • Two coats of glaze.
  • Leave three to four millimeters from the bottom.
  • DO NOT glaze the bottom!!!!!  (or else it will stick to the tray when you put it in the kiln).
Marie will be coming back to pick them up at the end of the day.  The pots will go in the kiln one last time, and then I will be able to take all my creations home, and have a lovely tea party.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Clay, Clay, Under Glaze

Today, well, I did only one thing, really.  It was glazing my pots!!
 I did three last week but this week I did heaps!
 Marie helped me with the first part.
Firstly you have to put white slip on-white clay mixed with water.
 The style that I glazed my pots were:

  • Bee Landing on a flower
  • Sun Set Trees
  • Fishy Sea
  • Three flower pots
  • Rainbow

Well, that was some of my pots!

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Today...  Well today I made another pot.  But it was super cute.  I put waves on the outside of the pot and inside the pot, I put a little fishy.  That was the only pot I made today because Marie (the potter) is coming in the afternoon to help me glaze my pots.  And I have made many pots.  The best thing is, I'll learn to glaze my pots!
Another thing I did today was learning how to use Prezi.  Katie said that it was like keynote, and might be a way we could present our gifted profile to the rest of the class.  So this morning, we had a chance to explore Prezi - it was FUN!!
Bye, bye!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Will Impossible Become Possible?

Will impossible become the possible, I wonder.  That was the question Jenni asked us for P4C.  I was not there for all the session because I'd missed lunch.  I still heard her speaking because the lunch area is near the P4C area.  We talked about updated technology and old past technology.  How the old became the new.  We also talked about people that thought that what we have today wouldn't exist.  For example, a person thought that one day people you could walk on the moon.  Another person didn't believe him.  But looking back from today there have been people that accomplished that very task. And yes, the impossible is possible.
Think about it...

Tuesday 11 June 2013

True for a Poet

Today I was a true poet.  My poems had a story in them.  A true story of life.  I published one called 'jealousy'.  It is a true poem.  Then I published my poem for a rainy day.  Cold, rainy, rushing and racing.  After that I published my 'lemon' poem.
  These are my poems:

Tuesday 4 June 2013

100% Me!

Good morning/afternoon.  Today I made 2 bowls out of clay.  100% by myself because Marie is away. I really enjoyed working on my own.  The bowls didn't turn out to be the greatest in the whole wide world but I'm proud of what I did because I remembered what Marie had taught me, and I will get better with more practice.
Today Nicola ran some drama activities.  We did an activity about spatial drama.  It was called '10 second object'.  The next one was called 'Who is the liar?'.  My favourite activity was 'Who is the liar?' because Nicola disobeyed the rules but still obeyed.  The rules were very simple.  You would have to close your eyes first.  Nicola would touch one of us on the shoulder and when she tells us to open our eyes we had to point to somebody that you thought was the liar.  The first round Nicola touched nobody and in the second round she touched everybody!

See you later!!!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

1,000 Steps

Today I had the most awesome lesson ever!  I learned how to make mugs and handles and jugs.  But it was tiring at the end because their were 1,000 steps to follow.  First you had to put the wheel on full speed then drop the clay in.  Then move the clay to the middle and wet it.  Now I need 996 more steps.
So, after that I was exhausted.  But it is really fun and I like to get dirty.  The perfect match. By the end of my session with Marie, I had made:  a jug, two mugs and a sugar bowl.  Who should I invite for a tea party?

Tuesday 21 May 2013

I've made a phone call.

In the morning I did my passion time.  I made a call.  My passion project is clay so I rang to get  a clay potter to come in and help me.  Marie is kindly coming in this afternoon, which means my afternoon is going to be completely different to what I had first thought this morning!  
The potter is going away so she is going to be here this week and next week.  I'm going to learn how to use a potters wheel.  I'm hoping to make a vase, but I have no idea how to use a potter's wheel so I'm pretty excited!
I wonder how the potter's wheel works?

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Chess and Clay

1.  Today I had another encounter with clay.  I made a wonderful cup.  I am going to attempt to paint the masterpiece.  I said attempt to paint it because it's round.  It would be hard to paint a round masterpiece to an extremely perfect round masterpiece.  These are the things I have made so far.
  • False Face
  • Bowl
  • Cup
2.  Today I played another group game of chess.  I was on the black team with Briana ( not Brianna).  The game is not finished (like last time) as we only had 20 minutes.  Each person took a turn for their team, so there was a lot of thinking before moving each piece!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Passion Time and a Workshop

Today I had the most awesome group game of chess ever.  Katie was running the beginner lessons.  We had to play in groups for black and white.  I was on the black team because I'm wearing black.  The game is yet to finish!

For passion time I am still doing clay.  Today I made a completely awesome clay bowl.  It's decorated with patterns all over.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

False Face

So the man thought he was a...  Um...   Hello!  Today I did passion time and I did clay.  Darryn said that I should start with a false face.  He said that it was and American Indian myth.  It was about this guy and a god.  The guy helped people when they were sick.  One day he tried to shift a mountain and said that he was a god.  He failed and the god made him run into the mountain.  Then he got a twisted up face.
I had to finish the clay today or else it would go hard over the holidays and I would have to start again.
I learnt a lot about how to work with clay, join clay and make and use slip, as well as how to get out air bubbles from my clay so it doesn't explode in the kiln.

Tuesday 9 April 2013


 Did you realise that I did keynote today?
Yeah.  Today I did the most amazing, the most wonderful thing today: Keynote!  It's not the most awesomest thing; passion project is!  Anyway, Katie ran the most amazing most wonderful keynote as a refreasher.  I forgot most things about keynote.  Thats why it was great to have it.  Now it is the most amazing most wonderful and the greatest thing Ever! I learned how to make bits and pieces fly in and around each page.

Tuesday 2 April 2013


Today I did art with Darryn.  We had to start way back at the beginning.
Darryn told us that the three primary colours (blue, red and yellow) could blend any colour.
 If you blend yellow to make green and add blue it would probably turn turn green the shade depends on how much of each colour you use.  Also I learned that black and white are shadings not colours.
For my art next week I am starting a passion project I am going to do some pottery on a wheel and make vases and glaze them properly.
Next week I will have to find an expert to show me how to use a potters wheel  which is really exciting!
See you later!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Pattern Trip

Hello.  On the 27th of March (which is today) we went on a trip to look at all the patterns in the environment.  First we went to the park and we started scribbling everything.  We went to a duck pond.  
I hate duck ponds.  Oh, did I tell you that Brianna was my partner?  Maybe not.  Anyway the duck pond was stinky.  Darryn told us that it was really deep.  Then we went onto the bridge.  I love bridges.
They help you cross stinky duck ponds.  Darryn told us weeks ago that bridges were a strength pattern.
We finally got into the pyramid museum and checked out the art gallery

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Maths With Chocolate

Hey!  Today I did Maths with Katie.  She called the maths activity ' guesstimating ' and sometimes she called it ' probability '.  We talked about percentages.  A percentage has to be out of one hundred.  If it is out of 50 and you got 25 right you would divide it with 50 then times it with 100. That is how you get it. We used a 6 sided dice to ' gesstimate ' the numbers we could possibly get.  We talked about even and odd and what side would get the most.  Then we did the same with chocolate.  It was a favourites box so we took the different pieces apart. And we each got a piece .

Tuesday 12 March 2013

This Bit of Cardboard

Hello!  Today we watched an interesting video, well, actually two videos about a boy a and these cardboard boxes.  The first video was introducing him and this man.  In the summer holidays he had to stay with his dad at his work.  He didn't like standing around doing nothing so he made this cardboard arcade.  No one came.  Until this man came to buy a door knob (the arcade was in the garage of the store) and then came into the arcade.  He posted all about it online.  Lots of people came to play at Caine's Arcade.  Check out the video - it's amazing!  http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/faIFNkdq96U

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Drama Queen

I packed my bag and in it I put....  Oh!  Hello!  Today we played a drama game about memory.  My turn was second.  It was easy, for me anyway.  I put in a book.  Samantha put in the world!  The game would have been finished then, but Samantha wasn't the last one.  Only about two people didn't remember that I put in a book.  Oh by the way, I love books!!  I felt relaxed because I knew that I was second and I knew that it would be super easy for me to remember .  I'll spy you next week.  Bye!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Wilson Game

Hey!  Today we played a Wilson game.  It is called The Hoop Game.  What you have to do is find a group of three, and hold hands.  Also you have to keep your feet together at all times and jump at the same time.  Last rule you can't let go of each other.  Your meant to get in the hoop, at the same time and without touching the hoop.  You either get 1st, 2nd or 3rd and then the game ends.  Even if theres more than three players.  Bye!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

2nd Day Back

Hello!  It's the second day back at Enrich.  We played a Wilson game.  It's called Piccadilly circus.  You  have to pass the ball to someone.  You can't pass it to the person beside you and you can't talk.  Also you can't drop the ball.  We used three balls and got 28 seconds and that was the winning score.  Later in the  day we all did a poem about who we are.  I am ...    Now Im going to say goodbye.  Bye!