Thursday 25 October 2012

2nd Week

Today at Enrich, we played a Wilson game.  Last time we played a new one called ''All for Nothing'' and this time we played it again.  I was in team 3 and we got 2nd place out of all of it.
  For must do's and picks I went  with Alana to watch a video about this really talented girl named Adora Svitak.  Alana said next time for passion time we choose what we are very passionate about.  And I love writing stories so I should write a book.

Thursday 18 October 2012

First Week Back

First Week Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited!  8 more days at Enrich and then I'd have to survive 2 more weeks until the holidays.
Christmas Holidays!!!
We are busy this week.  Anyway, today Claudia Brianna and me played a new mental edge game called something like 'Shapes Up''.  Something like that.  Then we had a technology challenge.  We had to make this thing out of newspaper, string, cello tape, paperclips and a plastic bag to grab a hammer and a chisel to help us get our feet out of concrete!  And that was basically my day.