Sunday 13 April 2014


It is the end of the Term that was gone in the blink of an eye!!  As you see another epic hello by me!  I don't know whether to say hi or bye!  Anyway, back to my day.

Today I had to zoom back to the past and remember what learning style out of:

  • Auditory - Enjoy listening to a speaker, but also you may hear things that distract you.
  • Kinesthetic -Enjoy learning that involves movement or, hands on projects.
  • Visual - Seeing pictures in your head and imagining what your finished product will look like.

I AM VISUAL!!!!!!!!

Basically three quarters of the class were visual.  I would of thought that I was kinesthetic because I'm very good with hands on stuff.  But the more I think about it, the more I think I am visual.

Today, we also did some brain training exercises.  It's good to have a learning style that works for you, but it's also important to try and improve the others that you might not be as strong at.  My favourite brain training game was called 'The Game You Can't Stop'.

That was fun.  Now it's time for the EPIC GOODBYE FOR THE TERM!!!!!